Sunday, August 11, 2013

Any day now...

Wow. I am officially in to my 9th month of pregnancy! I can't believe how quickly this has gone by! I have been so blessed in having an amazing pregnancy, no real complications, and not really many of the typical "pregnancy" symptoms like swelling, back ache, inability to sleep, etc. I'd say this pregnancy has really been a breeze, and I know that it doesn't happen this way for everyone so I know that I am truly blessed.

A couple updates. Since my last post I have had not one but 2 amazing Baby Showers. My first one was up north with family and close friends, I love being able to see all the people I love so dearly in one place knowing that they were all there to support our little growing family, and show Baby Esswein how much he/she is loved even before they are born. It truly was a magical day and I am so grateful to my Mom and Mother in law who worked so hard to host it for me. And if I wasn't lucky enough, a dear friend from our church her in Riverside wanted to throw me a shower as well, so this weekend I was surrounded by many other Christian Mothers in our RBCR Family who were there to show Baby Esswein how much he/she is loved. We are so very very blessed!

I am now officially 38 weeks, and am considered "Full Term" theoretically, Baby Esswein could come any day now! Thankfully, I think that we are fairly prepared, and if Baby came early I think we would be "ok" with the items we have now (I need to keep reminding myself, that woman have been having babies for centuries, with out rocking chairs, swings, breast pumps, baby monitors, etc. they are all just things!). 

We have set up our 2nd room into a "nursery/office" so one corner of the room has one of Ben's bookshelves, and his desk so he can continue to work in a space that's "all his" and in the other corner we have the crib, baby toys, dresser, etc. set up for when Baby arrives. We've got our diapers, the clothes have been washed, the crib is all set, now all we need is Baby!

Even though I can't WAIT until Baby arrives, I am still hoping to enjoy this next week (or 2) with our life with out baby. I will be working up until Friday when my Maternity Leave officially begins, so I would like to get through this week for work purposes, so I'm not cancelling session on my clients (even though I know they would all be understanding). But besides work, this week will be Ben and my 3 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe that 3 years ago we dedicated ourselves to each other in marriage, and since then have moved to So-Cal, I've started my job path in the ABA field, we lived in Europe for 9 months together, exploring all that we could explore, we've returned home to the States, moved back to So-Cal, pursued our career paths more, and are now expecting our first child. We've been through a lot these first 3 years, and I look forward to many many more to come. But this will be our last anniversary with just the 2 of us. After this it will be us and baby. I pray that we will be able to appreciate and enjoy these last precious moments together as a couple before becoming parents and a family of our own =).

I believe that's all for now, and I'm thinking the next time I write will be after Baby Esswein arrives!! Stay tuned everyone!! 

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