Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pregnancy Update

So I have really been neglecting my blog recently. Not because I've been busy, because to be honest work has not been that hectic, I've been getting into the swing of things with my schedule and being pregnant. The real reason I haven't been blogging as much is because this pregnancy is a lot more boring than I would have expected! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant, but just not much exciting has been going on.

I am now pretty far along in my 2nd trimester and half way done with this pregnancy. I've been feeling great and barely even feel pregnant. My tummy hasn't gotten too big yet, and I'm still squeezing into my regular sized jeans. If it weren't for the frequent baby movements, I wouldn't even think I was pregnant! When ever I see people they ask me how I'm feeling, and every time my answer is "Great!" (I think some might be shocked at how smoothly my pregnancy has been going).

Like I mentioned, I have been feeling the baby move and it is the coolest feeling in the world. Ben still hasn't been able to feel the baby movements, but I'm sure he will soon. It's really interesting to notice our little one's movement patterns already. He/She is very active in the morning when I wake up and in the afternoon when driving around for work. I'm hoping this pattern continues so that this baby sleeps in the night and is active in the day when they're born ;).

With all that being said, we did have an "exciting" little event this past week when I went in for my doctor's appointment. When there the doctor was trying to find the baby's heartbeat. When she found it she said it sounded really slow. She was able to find it again and it then sounded normal, but to be safe my doctor wanted me to see a Fetal Heart specialist in the next week, just to be safe. She said that this is very common and 90% of the time, a slow heartbeat ends up being no big problem. Maybe a problem with the equipment, she said she may have just caught my heartbeat first (which is slower than a fetal heartbeat), or something else. But just to be safe I went in for a "Fetal Echo" today. We had a VERY detailed ultrasound where the specialist throughly went through the anatomy of our baby, showed us the heart beating, as well as let us hear the heart beat multiple times. The specialist determined that the original reason for the slowed heart beat was because there was probably and excessive amount of pressure on the baby originally slowing the heart rate, which is totally normal. This happened when she was doing the ultrasound, and when she put a little extra pressure, the heart rate slowed down slighty. She reminded me over and over that this is perfectly normal and some babies are just a little more sensitive to pressure than others. So apparently our baby is just "sensitive" haha.

So overall, the Fetal Echo was nice, not only because we got good news, but we got to watch our little one for almost an hour as the specialist thoroughly examined the baby, and my mother was able to hear and see her first Grandchild for the first time, since she happened to be in town today.

I will try to be more diligent writing about this pregnancy to keep those who are interested updated. This baby will be here before we know it!

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