Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Job(s)

What a wonderful Saturday! The weather has been overcast all morning with some light rain, Ben and I have been relaxing, hanging with Murray, getting out our Christmas stuff, and running errands. These are the kinds of Saturdays that I cherish. So in this month of Thanksgiving I would like to say that I am thankful for these quiet days I get to spend with my little family.

Of course, the only way I fully get to appreciate these quiet Saturdays is because I am so busy with work during the regular week. This week was busy, even with the holiday on Monday I still saw one of my clients, and had a rough week with another kid. Even though some of these days are rough, I really am truly grateful to our gracious Lord for providing me with not one, but 2 jobs. Granted, I'm trying to move away from one so that I can work for only one company full time, but I'm grateful for the jobs that I have.

As I stated in my other blog, I started working for a new company recently, and yesterday I had my 90-day evaluation. Mostly good comments, with a few "try to improve" areas, but overall I was satisfied with the results. I am so excited for the opportunities at this new company and my boss even texted me this week saying that she's going to try to get me to be a full-time employee (30-32 hours/week) by December! I am so excited and this means so many big things! I will be now getting reimbursed more for drive time, I'll only be working for one company, and in this company there's a possibility for more growth and I can see myself staying there for a long time.

It's been a while since I've had this nice of a work week, and it makes me remember why I chose this profession to begin with. I've always wanted to help others, learn more about autism, and try to make a difference in these families lives. For a while I wasn't feeling like that was what I was doing. I was barely a babysitter, day after day, just putting out fires left and right, and not being able to really do my job. However, this week I saw a lot of progress in most of my kids, and seeing them learn and grasp what we're trying to teach is the most rewarding feeling ever! Especially when you know that you had something to do with it. I am so excited to see what the future has in store for me with work, and I am so proud to say that I am an ABA Therapist!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


As some of you may know, I started my Blog "Life Abroad" as Ben and I moved to Austria last year. Since that time, a lot has changed and I have been grateful for every minute of it. I wanted to blog about my experience living in a different country so far away, and I was so lucky to have the technology that we do so that I could share my experiences with all my friends and family back home. Now that I'm back in the States, I've realized that the adventure of my life isn't over, it's just beginning! So I figured, I try to get back into blogging, updating those who are interested on my life today and as it goes. I've titled this blog "Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness", not to imply that I'm not "happy", but just because I feel like these are some of the most important things in our daily lives. Well, now that you know the back story, let me catch up on what's happened since we've arrived back in the States.

I believe my last blog was about my trip to London to visit my cousin Kimmy and my travel home back in May. So it's been over 5 months since writing my last blog, and boy has a lot happened since then. 

Ben arrived back in the States in June, and for the summer we stayed at my parents house while we looked for a new place to live in Southern California. I was working at a Summer School at a local Christian School, and Ben spent most of his time organizing his thoughts and notes for his dissertation. Over the summer I began to look for jobs in Southern California, and God was gracious to give me not one, but two opportunities for work. The company that I had previously been working for had offered me my job back, which was amazing, but since I didn't know if that was a "for sure" option, I applied to other jobs as well. One was at a company my mom had told me about. I looked on their website, and quickly filled out an application, hoping that maybe something would come of it. I didn't really think much of it, because they were asking for people with a little more experience than I had, but I thought it was worth the shot. 

The next day I received an e-mail about setting up a phone interview, then an in-person interview. One thing lead to another and I was offered a position there. I immediately took it because I really believed in their philosophy, it was a growing division so there was room for growth in my position, and it paid more. However, it was only part-time to start so currently I am working at both companies. It's amazing how God provides for us! 

So since we moved back to Southern California in August, Ben has been writing his dissertation and making great progress, and I have been working 2 part-time jobs. It's been hectic trying to get back into these lives, but we're so blessed to have these opportunities. 

Now, coming into November. I've seen a lot of people posting on Facebook and Blogs, writing about something they are thankful for each day of the month. Now, in the words of the wise, Youtube sensation "Sweet Brown", "ain't nobody got time for that!" well, at least I don't seem to. So I will be posting as many as I can to discuss what I am thankful for, but probably not every day. So the first thing I am amazingly grateful for is my amazing husband, Ben. 

As I stated, previously I am currently working 2 part-time jobs, and in between them I am driving all over Southern California. I work with a tough population of children with special needs and come with scratches on my arms, bruises on my legs, and some times a really bummed out attitude. But, Ben is always at home waiting to comfort me and listen to my stories of the day. He comforts me with his love, and prays for me when he knows I'm having a rough day. He encourages me to go back to work, reminding me that this won't be my forever job. And I love him for that. He is amazingly supportive. He knows that when I come home from work I'm usually drained and want to just lay down, so he lets me just relax. 

I had this morning off since my first client had a dentist appointment, so I was able to stay home while Ben went off to campus for work. After he left I got into a "cleaning rut", I started vacuuming  doing the dishes, starting laundry, cleaning off the dining room table, etc. and I realized I haven't really done this kind of stuff in a while, but it's still been clean. Ben selflessly has been keeping up on most of the housework, while I've been working. He does the dishes with out complaining or telling me to "do my share", he offers to cook dinner (which is nice because he is a better cook than I), he vacuums, takes Murray out for two walks a day, all while working himself, and doing his dissertation. I am so blessed to have a husband who is so selfless, and willing to help out as much as he does.

Besides his willingness to help, I am so proud of him. My husband has been in Graduate School for years now, and it hasn't been easy. Yes, we got to live abroad because of my husband Graduate work, but it was as I just stated. Work. He was there for work. We had an amazing time, but in the end he was there for his research. All in the name of history. He is so passionate about history, and I know one day he'll make an amazing Professor. I am so blessed to have a husband who is so passionate about what he does, and has the drive that he does. He's followed his dream, and I love him for that. 

So, for now, I think that is enough. But hopefully, there will be more to come soon! =)